Cash and Voucher Assistance can be used to restore access to water and sanitation and restore hygiene practices of communities. For example, cash assistance can be provided to incentivise the building of latrines or other essential sanitation services, to purchase hygiene products, or to pay for water utilities. Below you can find out more about the work of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in this field, and access different resources related to cash and wash from the sector.
Guidelines and tools
Red Cross Red Crescent Guidelines and tools
What does “Cash” mean for WASH Outcomes?
This document has been prepared by the members of the Cash and WASH Technical Working Group and is intended for both WASH and Cash practitioners as well as programme managers who want to understand and explore how cash and voucher assistance can support WASH outcomes.
External Guidelines and tools
The RCRC Movement has created this technical working group (TWG) which aims to explore when Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and more broadly Market-Based Programming (MBP) can be best used in the Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) Movement for WASH outcomes. This site is used to record & disseminate all the discussions and outputs of this technical working group as well as provide links to relevant external sites. In the “About this TWG” section you will find info about current members, a short summary of the objectives and working modalities of the TWG, the transcripts from the TWG meetings, the recordings of the TWG webinars and all outputs that are produced by the TWG, such as case studies, surveys, etc. In the “Resources” section, you will find a selection of external documents related to Market based WASH, training resources as well as info about upcoming events and a compilation of WASH market assessments. In the “Contact/FAQ” section, you will find a contact form as well as a Frequently Asked Questions part.
The Cash Hub, hosted by British Red Cross, aims to accelerate the use and increase the scale-up of cash assistance in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (the Movement) in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian action. You can find out more about the work of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in this field, accessing different resources related to cash and wash.
- Market-based programming for WASH evidence mapping, Global WASH Cluster, 2020
- Evidence-building for cash and markets for WASH in emergencies - Summary of findings, Global WASH Cluster, 2020
- Practices in market-based programming in the water subsector, Global WASH Cluster, 2020
- Practices in market-based programming in the sanitation subsector, Global WASH Cluster, 2020
- Practices in market-based programming in the hygiene subsector, Global WASH Cluster, 2020
- Practices related to the use of multipurpose cash for WASH outcomes, Global WASH Cluster, 2020
To include resources on this page, or for more information on IFRC initiatives please contact: wash.geneva@ifrc.org