Asia Pacific
The Asia-Pacific region is home to over 4.6 billion people – nearly 60 per cent of the world’s population. Asia and the Pacific continues to be a fast-growing and dynamic region. The overall trend for urbanization will see an estimated 2.5 billion people or 55% of the population living in urban areas by 2030. However, almost 500 million people in the region still do not have access to at least basic water supplies, and 1.14 billion lack access to basic sanitation. As the most disaster-prone region in the world, the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic are compounded by the impact of natural hazards. In 2021, the IFRC Asia-Pacific region supported a record number of emergency operations: 52 emergency operations, reaching 3.7 million people in 18 countries. Out of these figures, 46 operation have a WASH component reaching 1.6 million people with WASH services. This is in addition to the 34 National Society Response Plans launched for COVID.
The Asia Pacific region includes 38 National Societies and IFRC supports the region through eight country delegations (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea and Philippines) and five country cluster delegations (Bangkok, Beijing, Jakarta, New Delhi and Suva), each covering a cluster of countries. Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore each receive direct support from the regional office.
Advocacy and strategic material
Red Cross Red Crescent materials
The Asia Pacific Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Strategy 2021-2030 is a longer-term framework for Asia Pacific National Societies and IFRC to scale up programming in emergency WASH. This strategy represents a convergence of regional priorities resulting from se, together with analyses consultations with various groups working in emergency WASH and disaster response of current environments and experiences of past operations. It is aligned with global strategies and guiding principles of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement to strengthen the capacities of Asia Pacific National Societies in emergency WASH response and preparedness.
The IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Office WASH team developed the strategy through a consultative process as part of continuing efforts in mapping aspects of National Societies’ capacities and interests to better coordinate appropriate support. A wide online survey was conducted, focusing on feedback and experiences of Asia Pacific National Societies and voices of the communities they work in. Partners in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and other agencies were also consulted to understand their priorities and insights. In total, 52 persons contributed to the consultation process, including 12 persons who provided key information through interviews and email communications.
Click on the image to view the full version of the framework. The summary version is available here.
The IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) organized a technical meeting on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) in Kuala Lumpur on 1-2 November 2018, bringing together over 32 WASH, health and programme colleagues from National Societies, the ICRC and the IFRC across Asia and Europe. The two-day meeting was conducted in the peaceful surroundings of The Saujana Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
The objective of this meeting is to enable WASH representatives from selected National Societies, IFRC Country Offices (CO), Country Cluster Support Teams (CCST), Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) and partner National Societies working in the region to update themselves on technical issues, approaches, plans and lessons learned in their respective sectors.
The meeting was conducted in a highly participatory manner that drew on the strong motivation of participants to exchange experiences and learn from each other. Issues and challenges faced in the region and in National Societies were highlighted and considered for planning ahead. Presentations from facilitators and participants were balanced with practical group exercises, and active discussions to inform and inspire activities and plans for Asia Pacific WASH programming in 2019-2020 in emergency, recovery and development.
The agenda of the meeting had a specific theme for each of the two days:
External Materials
Country specific resources
South Asia
Sri Lanka
South East Asia
Brunei Darussalam
Timor Leste
East Asia
Republic of Korea
Cook Islands
Marshall Islands
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands